Trade normal for extraordinary
Today, first-class customer service is what separates exceptional retail stores from the rest.
Our customer experience management solutions seamlessly integrate across stores, call centers, and front-line support, allowing you to eliminate lines, prioritize individuals, target customers with personalized sales information and support online transactions.

Discover how to bring your customers closer and improve CX
With 75% of customers expecting an omnichannel experience and 59% of customers expecting on-demand, anywhere, anytime customer service, retailers need to act decisively and proactively if they’re to deliver the fast, connected, personalized experiences that customers demand.

Reduce customer wait time
- Provide a real in-store digital experience.
- Automate customer flow management and seamlessly plan staff schedules around busy periods.
- Allow customers to sign up for multiple services and assign them to the shortest lines.
- Integrate digital signage with targeted offers, information, announcements, and advertising.
- Provide customers with a contactless visit.
- Get immediate customer feedback to avoid bad reviews and improve your service.
Improve customer satisfaction
- Enable omnichannel appointment scheduling and digital paperwork submissions through your website, mobile app, or at each branch’s self-service kiosks.
- Connect with online customers via video appointments to bridge the gap between digital and physical.
- Provide clients with real-time alerts about estimated wait times through your website, mobile notifications, and digital signage in waiting areas.
- Streamline the automatic service assignment.
- Invite clients to rate the customer experience to help improve your service.
- Develop seamless online customer service processes and channel referrals.
- Offer virtual queuing options.


By implementing Q-Flow we were able to reduce waiting time by 45%, increasing productivity per store by 85% and staff occupancy does not drop below 95%.” Q-Flow is the basis for any report or study that is required on the operation of the company.
Marcos Merida, Customer Operations Manager

With the implementation of Q-Flow BPM, we managed to have a 360 ° view of the business, connecting all the agency, call center, and BO areas, measuring and controlling better service and response times. With this, it has been possible to provide a better experience to all Claro customers. Q-Flow has become one of the primary customer service systems for the entire organization in the region.
Regina Bennett, Regional Customer Service Manager

ACF’s solution provides powerful and efficient tools for Telefonica to control our level of service, and enables us to manage customer relations in an outstanding way.
Luis Flores Tista, Manager
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